When Character Doesn’t Do It

Mr. Obama expressed his desire to make voting mandatory. There is only one reason for this: There are no accomplishments and no character that allows him to achieve votes based on merit alone. His words ring hollow and his thin-skinned personality rules recklessly. Somewhere in his unspoken thoughts relishes a third term. His countenance is a daily reminder. He had such a great opportunity when he was elected. Blow it he has, and I fear the next 22 months so desperately that it is palpable in the way my heart reacts each and every time I go online.  Usually, it is somewhat easy to mentally find an alternative to  what is happening to and in America. For instance, there has always been a speck where I said “I can always move” or “someone will finally do something”. I don’t feel that way anymore. There’s no place to go and no one will do anything. Our choices are being ruled by tyrants or going along submissively for the safety of whatever little bit of freedom we have left. Both options leave a distinct taste of awful.

I fear both. If ever there was a time for prayer, it is now. And, it is urgent.


Hate- one comment at a time.


I found this photo on Breitbart this morning and am sharing because I have been called the most horrible names for my posts. From “women” I have been called the c*#t word ( a word no woman should ever call another). I have been called names so bad even I won’t repost. Telling the truth isn’t easy, but it is the right thing to do. Demean yourself in the comments if you must.

It is my right to think and speak and I won’t stop.

Speak, damn it!

It boggles my mind at the relative ignorance of the minions who still believe in the “Hope” and “Change”. I wonder often about the moment those who still had the belief when everything they were warned about hit them. I often wonder was it when they separated the men and women. I wonder if it was when they separated the children from the parents. Or, maybe it was when the train left the station and there was no water or food. Could it have been when their locks were shorn or their belongings were taken. Far be it for me to be judgemental, but when they were singled out with a brand to denote their differences, I would have definitely been awakened.

Don’t chastise me. I’m angry. I am angrier in my soul than you could ever imagine. God’s got that, not you. I don’t owe any apologies for what I think or what I write. If only one person says: “She just might have a point” then, possibly, I am vindicated. If not, I still DON’T care. I am also not clothed in the cloak of kindness which would ever allow me to stand at a legitimized pulpit and say this. For that, some who know me will be disappointed. Someone has to pull the wool off and shout with a vehemence that blares loudly. It’s kind of what the beheaders do. They get their message across. Make no mistake about that. We need too also even if our tool is words. YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS.

In as much as God is watching the horrors of the world not to mention the denouncing of religion coming from those supposed to lead but who do everything in their power to destroy, so am I.

The excuses no longer wash. I don’t feel guilty, I don’t get Jewish (White either) guilt in the millennium. I think they’ve paid enough. Moreover, I don’t get Christian bias either. I don’t think we owe atheists or other religions a damn thing. While I won’t run pell-mell to be beheaded, I will absolutely pick up a weapon and hit first once I see them coming. The cards have long been on the table for what is owed or expected for Jesus. That will never change. There is no second in my life I will ever apologize for being a Christian and I don’t care what I am threatened with. My rewards will come long after I have left this earth. That being said I must add that I don’t understand how a church (Presbyterian) or a religion (Judaism) can walk away from their true tenets to assuage political correctness.

Political correctness may be the “mark of the beast”. I think it may well be, and it was pointed out to me by my brother whose faith, heart and intelligence far surpasses mine.

You cannot change my belief nor can you hope it away. If I am wrong:

Albert Camus- “I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is.”

There are worse things. I could’ve been silent.

Treason; then again maybe not.

Below is the first article I saw when I went online. Democrats are wetting their pants calling the GOP treasonous for writing to Iran.


Now, obviously treason has a new definition these days but below is a tiny amount of what I found when I googled all sides for treason. And, there’s so much more.

Seems to me that treason is now defined by opinion by whether you’re a democrat, a republican or an idiot. For instance:

Ted Kennedy did it but he was a democrat so it’s not treason? Treason:the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Our borders are unsecured even though it’s in the Constitution. So, that’s not treason? Treason: the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.



Attempts are being made to prevent Americans from having guns and ammo although the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution guarantees that right. So, that’s not treason? Treason: the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.




Freedom of the press, also guaranteed by the Constitution is also being eroded. Isn’t that treason? If not for that freedom why a one man wrecking ball could do what he wants to a country without oversight therefore having no accountability. Treason: the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


They’re all guilty….or they’re not. So many pots and kettles. Maybe Nancy Pelosi knows. She oughta know …right? Bonus, she’s a democrat.

Secularism: An Excuse for the Erosion of Morals.


Below are a variety of definitions but if you read the last one from the New Yorker, it is, in part, the one that hits closest to the truth. You need not even read the full article to grasp that.

[Excerpt-August 15, 2011] “The disappearance of God is often considered elegiacally, as a loss. But secularism can also be an affirmation of the here and now.”

Yes, let’s address the disappearance of God as a loss to affirm whatever the hell (oops, I wrote hell) you use to explain anything you deem appropriate for whatever generation you happen to be a part of. The entire one-line quote could presumably or existentially infer/imply that having children with a round fruit-flavored bit of cereal could be considered normal or acceptable (in the here and now) or adopting your hamster (so you can leave all your worldly possessions to it) could be reality-based. But, it really can’t. Secularism is the pathological absence of morals and the world is going down the tubes for its inception, ability to villify everything as well as it’s acceptablility, And, that is the here and now.

I liked the article. There is nothing wrong with saving one’s soul or expecting to see a love one in heaven or the hereafter. As for evolution, Darwinism or the like; hang it up. It’s been _illions of years and we’re really not any closer. I’m not even saying the writer said exactly that. However, we are at a precipice of falling into a routine kind of living in a world of instrinsic horror that just isn’t capable of surviving long-term. It is why things such as the world wars and the Crusades were necessary. Political correctness murders. Appeasing evil… murders.

You could do a survey using a lot less big words than the New yorker did simply asking people if they preferred living in a society with a lack of morals as opposed to a moral one. The majority of the responders will choose morality. (Maybe they just want to keep their heads.) I think it’s more than that. And, as long as I am allowed I will keep trying to hammer that point home. I wonder about the evolution of the thoughts both with the writer and friend mentioned in the article as I am sure there must have been one considering the events of the last year.

In any event, I sure hope the world is capable of accepting everything it begets. I sincerely doubt it. As for me, I’ll take GOD any day and one hundred times on Sunday.






Seriously, The Intercept?

I follow The Intercept. They do really, really good investigative pieces… most of the time. The article/opinion below appeared on my Facebook today, and I was compelled to reply. However, my comment is blocked from me as is/are the reply (s) to it.


Several times I have perceived The Intercept as being anti-Semitic, yet I refrained from commenting because I knew it would set off a slew of liberal intolerance. So, basically, I just want to say Thank GOD Netanyahu has been “crying wolf” for decades over Iran getting a nuclear bomb. To our knowledge Iran hasn’t and we are still here. The Intercept’s argument is worthless, biased and disappointing. GOD help us, here in America, the day Iran gets a nuclear bomb with today’s technology.

You know I’m right.  Iran has made “death to America” their most important goal.

BTW….this is my personal blog which reflects my personal opinion. At least I didn’t say “Kiss my ass”.

What is it going to take…really?

What is it going to take to wake the blind of mind and loyalists obedience to the destruction of self? I mean, really. Ask yourself. Thousands of police officers and compassionate citizens lined the streets and amassed at the funeral of a dead police officer whose death would have been avoided were it not for the blind of mind and obedience of the loyalists. This was a man trying to live according to his convictions, was a step away from being ordained and had no gripe with the murderer. His death (and his partner’s) was, and is, a waste from an ideology that encourages, promotes, incites and furthers hatred for no other reason than to implement the  laws of a few radical narcissists. That’s the truth. Nothing is, nor will be gained, from this to further anything good for society. Nothing! I mean nothing!

There is insidiousness in that too. The very “ideals” being fomented, if successful, are going to fly back in the face of the minions being used to do it. They’re going to have to live with the limits of these rules that killed people to implement. In and of itself, it’s a sad irony. The day may come when the weapon they fanatically sought to deny to others will be beyond their reach. Possibly some of them will die as a result of that ignorance. Or, better yet, the police officer they desperately need one day won’t be there to answer their call for help. Additionally, the racism they sought to support will deny them the friendship or knowledge of another who they might have had so much in common with just by virtue of the other being a different color. How is any of this just? How? The answer is, it isn’t. I don’t apologize for my feelings about all of this to my black, Hispanic or other ethnic family or friends because I believe I speak and feel from an honest and open realistic standpoint. That is my goal. If they choose to think I am in any way a part of the incessant rabble-rousing racist propaganda then that is their own tunnel-vision distortion they will have to work out within themselves. I make no apologies.

It is what it is and this current state of dividing people will ultimately fail. It failed with Attilla, Hitler, Lenin, and it will with the current spate of non-leaders. It has too. The attempt to purge the world of God, good, Israel, ethnic groups etc has always failed. The evidence is out there. It is the good of society everywhere that will prevail. Knowing and believing that, I still have to ask: “At what cost?”.

To answer that maybe we should ask the Jews (Holocaust), the Rwandans (genocide survivors), the survivors of the killing fields of Southeast Asia, the Christians in Iraq (genocide occurring now), the murdered kidnapped victims of drug cartels south of the border, all the dead young black men murdered by other black men (gang members) in major cities across America or maybe we could even look to Edward Snowden who knows a little about it how it begins? (the loss of our freedoms) There are many, many examples. I fear we are fast becoming another one.

Let’s, at least, hope time will tell. Given time, maybe we can change directions. I surely hope.