Postscript: WWIII

It was 2018 and Americans were finally beginning to pick up the pieces of their country. Remnants of an attempted coup stretching over 10 years had made them weary. Many wondered if reclaiming the once great nation was even possible. The world was beset by hunger and the newly ended World War III had decimated the populations of every country. Thousands of feral children roamed parentless guided only by instinct and the undeniable pangs of hunger.

Many roamed the streets of neighborhoods and towns once decorated and governed by civility. Gone were the finely managed lawns and up kept houses. Home was nearly anywhere you could lay your head for rest. Rest did not come easy. The cities were even worse. It took desperate fortitude to live amongst the ruins of progressivism and anarchy. Survival was the only thing those who had not given up were concerned about. It was what fed their souls. The time for payback was behind them but it was not forgotten. If there was to be a rebuilding surely there would be time for that.

What once the magnificence America represented only existed in the hearts and minds of the patriots who dared to speak the truth when it was murderous to do so. Exactly what had befallen this great nation? And, how did the malfeasance of those in charge bring about the last of the World Wars? It was easily done though they manufactured complexity in a way that the newer generations born after the second world war saw only promises of a better future. It happened because a lot of the older generations got complacent and weary.

It began, simply, by destroying HONESTY characterized by terms like misleading, misdirected, misspoke, ambiguous, disingenuous and confusing therefore differing that each and every lie told was something less than a lie. But, they were all lies and nothing but lies. In their corner was the media. The media used words like changing narrative to justify the lies explaining that it was the public who was misunderstanding. Journalists, reporters and anchors; those former arbiters of truth and justice became propagandists and on the nightly news viewers were treated to abysmal salivating figures in servitude to a dictator. Savants they were, and they were proud of it.

Countries long known to appreciate America and long known to be our allies saw what was happening and left us. Many aligned with a new banking system formed by another country because they saw what we did not. (They would leave over the trustworthiness of our leaders too.) What we were doing was not working no matter how strong the dollar appeared.

The economy: Over a ten-year span they manipulated the stock market and controlled currency through Quantitative Easement:

“An unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.”

In other words, making something appear from nothing.

Corruption, lobbying and “corporate cronyism ( a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism)” This finished the economy off. The rich got richer at a pace never seen before and the poor got poorer. Poverty became the number one “success” of progressivism.

Finally they assaulted religion and morality. How? They attacked God. A seemingly endless platform of agendas suddenly jumped into a sharp focus where they never had before. Where once God was the center place of most people’s lives and was credited for a moral and sane society merely the mention of the word became intolerable. He was no longer welcome in government. He was no longer welcome in schools. He was no longer welcome in marriage. In many churches, he became welcome only as a word not as a god. It became illegal to abide by God’s words and stay true in faith to his teachings. Businesses were attacked for it. Thousands in the middle east were beheaded and crucified for it. While there were many who still loved God they were afraid to mention him in political or group circles fearful they would be ostracized. Soon the once proud and loud Christian voices became quiet and passive.

Throughout this assault on America the destruction of her most coveted set of laws, the Constitution was attacked and diminished. And not enough cared. It became harder and harder to buy or possess a gun to protect the most cherished unit of Americanism; the family. The Second Amendment was pounced on at every turn and many times through deceptive means which only those patriots paying attention saw. The First Amendment was slipping away due to that very fact. People had started paying attention and were speaking out. Progressivism, that ugly monster, knew that their schemes would eventually implode if the First Amendment wasn’t suppressed. But, for freedom-loving people little changed for the better.

There was an ire building. Mother’s were tired of their children being assaulted at every turn by the pernicious rhetoric and propaganda. Men were tired of being told to be everything other than a man bound by courage, virtue and hard work. Families were becoming tired of having nothing to show for their efforts in achieving the American dream. A storm was coming. And it was long overdue.

After years of uncertainty and fear it began very simply. One morning there were no banks open. People tried to cash a check and use their debit and credit cards for the easiest of things. But, nothing worked. Across ever TV station an emergency broadcast system alert flashed informing of a yet as unknown national emergency. People were instructed to stay home. Our leaders were working on it. News would be forthcoming. But, as so many times in the past many knew the news would be anything but truthful and straightforward. Even the news anchors looked terrified as they reported the statements they were handed from the government. Like deer caught in the headlights of a fast rushing car it was those faces that said everything. At first, people were frightened. Then they got angry. The longer the deafening silence of our officials continued the angrier people got. It only took a few days without money for people to begin to wake up. After all, money was the one thing everyone counted on and, sadly, many built the most important aspects of their lives on.

Our enemies saw an opportunity and attacked. First they attacked the Internet cutting us off from the rest of the world… even our troops based overseas. They would be of no help to us. Then they attacked with weapons. It didn’t take many, just a few well-placed technologically advanced weaponry aimed at the capitols of government and industry. Soon we were as helpless as the pioneers would’ve been without their plows and skills. Like children we were placed to care for ourselves without the knowledge and expertise of our forefathers. For so many, it spelled death and doom. Not only did most not have the skills or tools they didn’t have the means to learn or buy any. Survival of the fittest became a truth and not altruism. People were going to die.

Violence began in earnest. Some happened because it was what people wanted and had done little of because they feared prison. Anger incited others. Much occurred be people began to need things. People fought and stole from friends, neighbors and businesses. Friends became enemies, and trust so elusive in our leadership over the prior ten years, eroded human to human. No one cared anymore who was a republican or democrat. No one cared anymore who slept with whom. No one cared about platforms, agendas or policies except those that fed their families and kept them safe. Sometimes Christians fought alongside atheists and sometimes they fought them. It was the same for everyone regardless of race, sexuality or ethics. What little fight our leaders did in response to those who attacked America, and to Americans themselves, was selfishly and personally indulgent. It only got worse.

When it was over and people got tired of being against each other and those left had learned to survive; it was only then they asked themselves: “Why did we allow this to happen?” It was then that people asked themselves where the causes of progressivism had intended the world to go. It was then they asked themselves if it was worth it.

That they breathed was their only answer. And, it was… that they breathed still… their only reward. ©2015

This is a story

Jesus, My Jesus

I’m angry. And, I’m tired. I am seriously tired of seeing Christianity slammed as bad when it is the single biggest ideology that has kept this world from destroying itself. That’s a fact. When I was in college sociology teachers taught it emphatically.They didn’t necessarily credit the Bible, but I do.They did teach that the church and the social “mores” were what kept society from collapsing. Society is collapsing.

I am a Christian, yet I find myself burdened with hate.  I hate and it invades my prayers. I hate the foolish path the world is on. I hate racists. I hate weakness and I hate fools. I hate bullies who bully for the sake of forcing others to think, act and proselytize like them.

I recognize and fervently believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of us. He died for our sins. He died so we would be forgiven. In as much as I believe in Christianity, I believe this. And, it is unchangeable. I don’t believe, however, that Jesus died for us to be ignorant. I don’t believe he died for us to be awash in passivity. I believe when a sword was put at his throat he had his own. I don’t believe he didn’t strike back. I don’t! He was crucified when he was overwhelmed.

When I read or hear that massive deaths happen because of a person’s belief in Jesus and Christianity there is no scintilla of breath in my body that believes Jesus would stand for that as a man. I just don’t. And, you can’t convince me otherwise. My beliefs will ensure me a place in hell (if I don’t keep trying).  As Dante put it: ” The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”

The more I watch the horrors of today’s world the more I am conflicted concerning the people I know. I am frustrated by the lack of movement and expression of those I love who do and say little…if anything. If not now, when? If not you, then who?

I knew when I started blogging I would get vilified once in a while based on my mistakes from my past. I accepted that and, trust me, there’s nastiness out there. But, I have built my character on knowing, believing and doing my very best to do what is right. I don’t give a crap if it doesn’t fit the alternative viewpoint. It is what it is. Someone, a lot of someones must stand up. We must!

I will probably die before the sword of hate is directly at my door. That makes me sad. But, it is coming if we do not stand now. My grandchildren and my children will be left here to suffer the pain. So will yours. Period.

Stand up! Please! Write! Talk! Complain! Talk to your representatives and your community leaders. What does it take? Prayer is great but it’s not your only defense. Christian Lives MATTER!

You can’t go back and say “I’m sorry, I didn’t see.”

See now, before they conquer. And, conquer, they can, if we let them.

Stand With The Christians

If not now, when? How many dead bodies is enough?


Don’t dream a little dream with me. Better yet, do. Then stand.

I was out for a walk today and saw a line with a thousand Christians holding signs and shouting. Behind them was a line of 100,000 Christians being silent. I walked forth and I joined the line in front. I asked for a sign and was given one while I found my voice. I shouted for all those persecuted and all those murdered in the name of Jihad. I prayed for a moment when Christ would protect me from the hate, intolerance and swords I knew to come in the name of radical Islam.

In short time, I watched the line behind me dissolve in crimson colors and unintelligable shrieks of fear. All of us a sudden there was no line behind me. There were no voices and there were no prayers. Yet, I stood, so my voice got louder and my prayers more courageous.

What line were you in?

The Perjorative Duty? Where Have All The Ethics Gone?

Pejorative Duty: This is the kind leadership we face by a boy who thinks his duty is to change a country for himself to his liking as it is his country, not ours. His service is not to us.  He upholds few laws, respects few peers or the office he holds.  No part of the definitions below does he seem to understand. It’s as if he got to this office gratuitously which, frankly, emboldens him to act as he does. Was he never ever told “No, you can’t behave that way” as a child?

[Duty: A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility “it is my duty to uphold the law“]

[“…to do my duty to God and my country.”]- Boy/Girl Scout Pledge from my childhood.

One only has to look at his executive overreach to see what I mean. Everything over the last 6 years has been done in the form of protest: Protest of US laws, protest of US norms, protest of Christianity, protest of inequality, protest after protest after protest. Yet, it wasn’t until amnesty that people started truly answering back. For nearly 6 years, most people sat back and took it on the chin. Then came the midterms and a message was sent that people were tired of it. People had lost hope. People were seeing through the nonsense. So, they elected the Grand Old Party giving them control of the house and senate. Still, few mounting voices shattered the sycophant obedience. That is until the Sea of Blue began. Who would have thought that our police officers would be the first to make an impact? There had been many protests up to this. You know, all those million member marches that weren’t, and all those calls to congress that didn’t help. And, the riots… let’s not forget them. #BlackLivesMatter protests encompassed unbridled chaos, looting and destruction. I still don’t see a clear purpose but I do see Al Sharpton running away from them, and you can bet he’s taking his money with him.  It took the murders of quite a few police officers to lead people to see how quickly a meaningless platform could so egregiously destroy the very people we count on to protect us at home everyday. More people awakened and said “enough”. Even John Boehner seems to be waking up a bit. I sure hope so. I also hope we can do for our veterans the same that the Sea of Blue is doing for our police officers. And, maybe the Charlie Hebdo tragedy will embolden, albeit create, a Sea of Free Press devoted to freedom bolstering the right to free speech and free press. Surely a little good could come of the senselessness. I don’t truly think we’re there yet but one can hope.

These are the kinds of things I think about. They worry me and should worry you. I don’t even care if anyone agrees with me, because sooner or later we will all have a point where we have to stand up. I can look back and know I have been for a long time. And, I always will.

As I conclude this, I keep thinking about what someone I love said with regards to the lady cartoonist who let the killers in the door at Charlie Hebdo. (She did it because she believed them when she said they would kill her child.) This person said she didn’t know what she would’ve done had she been in that situation because it involved her child. I get that and I respect that. That being said, it also makes me think of every Jewish mother and child who perished in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Those that acquiesced most likely died. Enough said.

What is it going to take…really?

What is it going to take to wake the blind of mind and loyalists obedience to the destruction of self? I mean, really. Ask yourself. Thousands of police officers and compassionate citizens lined the streets and amassed at the funeral of a dead police officer whose death would have been avoided were it not for the blind of mind and obedience of the loyalists. This was a man trying to live according to his convictions, was a step away from being ordained and had no gripe with the murderer. His death (and his partner’s) was, and is, a waste from an ideology that encourages, promotes, incites and furthers hatred for no other reason than to implement the  laws of a few radical narcissists. That’s the truth. Nothing is, nor will be gained, from this to further anything good for society. Nothing! I mean nothing!

There is insidiousness in that too. The very “ideals” being fomented, if successful, are going to fly back in the face of the minions being used to do it. They’re going to have to live with the limits of these rules that killed people to implement. In and of itself, it’s a sad irony. The day may come when the weapon they fanatically sought to deny to others will be beyond their reach. Possibly some of them will die as a result of that ignorance. Or, better yet, the police officer they desperately need one day won’t be there to answer their call for help. Additionally, the racism they sought to support will deny them the friendship or knowledge of another who they might have had so much in common with just by virtue of the other being a different color. How is any of this just? How? The answer is, it isn’t. I don’t apologize for my feelings about all of this to my black, Hispanic or other ethnic family or friends because I believe I speak and feel from an honest and open realistic standpoint. That is my goal. If they choose to think I am in any way a part of the incessant rabble-rousing racist propaganda then that is their own tunnel-vision distortion they will have to work out within themselves. I make no apologies.

It is what it is and this current state of dividing people will ultimately fail. It failed with Attilla, Hitler, Lenin, and it will with the current spate of non-leaders. It has too. The attempt to purge the world of God, good, Israel, ethnic groups etc has always failed. The evidence is out there. It is the good of society everywhere that will prevail. Knowing and believing that, I still have to ask: “At what cost?”.

To answer that maybe we should ask the Jews (Holocaust), the Rwandans (genocide survivors), the survivors of the killing fields of Southeast Asia, the Christians in Iraq (genocide occurring now), the murdered kidnapped victims of drug cartels south of the border, all the dead young black men murdered by other black men (gang members) in major cities across America or maybe we could even look to Edward Snowden who knows a little about it how it begins? (the loss of our freedoms) There are many, many examples. I fear we are fast becoming another one.

Let’s, at least, hope time will tell. Given time, maybe we can change directions. I surely hope.

I Still Believe in America’s Preeminence

They will feign shock when they get older and tell their grandchildren that they just don’t know how it happened. Outsiders will be shocked when they ask what happened. Many of the snickering fools will be long gone or wallowing somewhere in the misery of “poor for one and all’ state they helped create. If anyone is allowed the have the red, white and blue I figure it will be a long-loved remnant of a past and a history once so loved it had to be hidden.

Some elites will make it through with their many billions locked behind the magical gates of “only for me and not for thee” mansions gained by corruption and greed. Their faces will be mapped with lines of hate that long ago left their mark and the influence peddling they thrived on will only be in a small collective circle of despotic comfort. However, even at the gates of death their faces will never reflect shame or guilt. Yet, someday, at their very end, a prayer or two, or many, will be answered and the fear of hell will mark them with a worry that will encourage many sleepless nights because they chose to live as if there were no God, yet they will seek the comfort in knowing there is a God as they approach the resolution of their besmirched lives. Fortunately, Christianity will survive and it is by its grace and teachings that one or two, or many, of these horrible humans will have that comfort regardless how much the logical mind of a realist Christian wants to deny them. The heart will not allow it….always. Therein lies salvation from a God that is truly good.

Still, history will not treat them kindly. When good finally triumphs over evil the questions will be so abundant it will take a very long time to answer them if they ever can be answered.

The ones who seek to describe will look to lay blame on everyone but themselves. In reality, everyone played a part. Many said or did nothing. Others took the truth and twisted it. An enormous amount ignored the facts and actions straight away most often to accomplish a task or ideal built on greed. Those who had lost their souls in the early days of their lives, if indeed they ever had one at all, will be the most egregious skewers of history.

The only comfort in history will be the Al Sharptons of this world castigated as a diabolic insurgent who proselytized hate. Or, there will be the Al Gores remembered more for the “inconvenient lies”  told to get rich than  “inconvenient truths”. The upside down hustle perpetuating violent protests which end in the sacrificing of lives of police officers based on a policy of dividing society will be one of the most disgusting, least-respected and unforgivable moments in history. Of that you can be certain.

History will also show us a period in time in our once great country when small-minded men were allowed to wage a war of regulatory attrition to force the people they are supposed to lead and serve into submissiveness. And, all the later storytellers will not be able to explain it because they will be from that time where truth was discouraged thus never taught. Yet, the best of them will try. I pray they succeed.

I’ve been privileged to know so many people from the greatest generation and shortly there after. Many from the latter were taken too soon. The only comfort I get from that is that I believe God knew it was better for them to not be here to witness the fall of everything they fought for. Maybe their hearts would be the most egregiously harmed because I know it wasn’t about saving their souls. Their souls were intact. It’s comforting in a way because my heart hurts for them every time I think of something they tried to do for good. I’m glad they can’t witness the erosion of freedom happening now.

As a little girl, my proudest moment of the day was hoisting the flag up the pole at my elementary school. Taking it down was even better as we folded it with such reverence knowing, even young, that when we got up the next morning it would still be there. I’m not even sure how I learned that at 8 but I’m glad I did.

Additionally, in my memory is every history lesson I ever learned about the beginning of America. I either had the best teachers or I just knew to love my country. I still do most passionately.

Time is running out though I battle everyday to unburden my grandchildren with the falsities they sometimes learn at school through the tunnel vision that is Common Core. I am honest. I want to leave them with the foundation of truth and fact. I want to instill in them pride for America, if not the world.That way, when I am gone I have left them hope.

Someday, America will once again be remembered, if not praised, for all the good she has done. In fact, many elsewhere in the world are already asking: “What happened?”

I still believe in our preeminence. I wish the rest of America did too.