Among the Rages of Men

Undergrown cucumbers and tomatoes were the only vegetables she could get to grow these days, but the garden was nearly free of any food. Having a garden was a risky venture but she had to feed the children. The government didn’t like private gardens.They didn’t like private water collection. She figured out long before the stores closed and the food shipments slowed that the order of the world was changing, and not for good. That’s why for a couple of years she tried saving food. Most of it was dried fruits, canned things plus a variety of beans and grains. While there wasn’t a lot of it, she managed. These days when she found time to sit and put her feet up she wondered at how she hadn’t been caught. Sometimes, they arrested people for hoarding food although hoarding was laughable. What she managed to save wouldn’t last long. Water became a battlefield. Everyone needed it. No one had enough of it, and the government controlled it.

Daily living…no, existing, was difficult now. Still, she did her best. Luckily, she was able to hang on to these three angels. Looking at their innocent little faces kept her going.

“How unfair it is to them,” she thought. Gone were the days of good friends and neighbors. It was to each his own. It had to be. Gone was the public trust. Stuck in a world where enemies existed to your left, right, behind and in front cautioned her to watch her back. But, the days of peace and having enough, she still remembered. It was the little things she missed the most. She missed that first cup of coffee on the sunny porch every morning listening to the birds sing never having to fear someone coming. But, there was no coffee.

As a child she used to get up early and walk to a honeysuckle field a couple of streets from her house. There she would pick the flowers and suck their sweet nectar. She could still smell the honeysuckle in her memories. Unhindered, she could climb up the short side of the mountain behind her friends house to where the bedrock slab jutted out over highway 64 and sit watching the cars go by. Now, there were no cars and the mountain had been decimated by the bombs. Not one tree was left on that side. Venturing to the end of the sidewalk was as far as she dared go now always keeping the children in sight. They were making the best of things possessed of the ability to make joy from the simplest of things. In their innocent play, they built funny little houses for the toy cars and dolls they still had. Listening to the adventures they created for them made her smile. Crying was something she did rarely and in private. “I’m mourning,” she told herself.

No one claims to know exactly when the destruction of civilian life was planned though there were plenty of signs throughout the 20th and 21st century. If you looked back to the first and second world wars, there were warnings. And, the good men tried to stop it. But, they were overwhelmed. We had a few leaders try to warn us. They were all assassinated. As the world moved into the second half of the millennium, freedom died. And, it died hard. No one took responsibility.

We were warned. You couldn’t deny it.

[“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” -James Madison from The Federalist Papers ]

[“Meanwhile, the former United States is established based on an ultra-liberal model, and various confrontations take place between the US and the SUSA. {Southern USA} The ultra-liberal set in the US keep urging the attack and annihilation of the SUSA…”] Excerpt from Out of the Ashes by William Johnstone, 1938-2004

(Out of the Ashes is a fictional but prophetic book, part of a series of novels, written in 1983)

[“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money”-Alexis Tocqueville]

Yes, we were warned.

What struck her the most was that while it was happening so many people believed that the riots they were encouraged to pursue were a form of justice for them. They believed that the violence they were encouraged to act out was going to improve their lives when it was all over. They thought the government was going to reward them financially and all would be right in the streets of America, moreover the world. What they didn’t see was they were the puppets doing the dirty work. They refused to see that intolerance was being used to break down tradition and unity. And, when unity was finally lost they would attempt to enslave everyone. For the individual, it was a truly terrifying time.

At the worst of the chaos came the thieves, the rapists, the killers and the haters. She did a lot of things she wasn’t proud of to survive. Prepared less than others and more than some, there were things she did to keep the monsters, those indulgent, greedy creatures that posed as men, from tearing apart what little family she had managed to save. Shuddering at the memory, she recalled the one she feared the most. He was huge. And, she wasn’t armed. He came looking for whatever he could trade and whatever he could find to satisfy every base pleasure and need. Had it not been for the baseball bat she kept behind the door he would have had his way in everything. A split second of her paying very close attention to his intentions allowed her the opportunity to swing that bat more than once. From sheer terror she did it with a strength and speed she didn’t know she was capable of. Cleaning up was the worst. But, at least they were spared…this time. She feared many more monsters to come.

Growing up, she never felt hate except the quick tempered way a child thinks they feel it for some loss of privilege or belonging. The older she got the more she watched hatred saturate the world. It was the same with racism. She wasn’t taught to be racist but that’s what the world demanded halfway through the second millennium. After watching the government turn on the military, the police and the religious, she saw them incite racism as a way to change the world pushing it into a New World Order where only those with money and no conscience could be “happy”. She had to admit she had acquired a bit of hatred herself. And, if she was being honest with herself she now viewed many people of color skeptically.

The government divided and they conquered much. Still, she hung on to this little house where little worked. She left people alone and worked to survive. In the back of her mind she wondered: “What happens when we run out of food?” She was tired. Praying helped. Lessons from childhood told her to trust in God and not be fearful of what men could do. But, the truth was that when the night came and she could hear gunshots and screams in the distance, she got scared. Men had already done so much she wasn’t sure God could envision the level of hopelessness and destruction they could do. And, it shook her faith.

Still she knew she was lucky to not have been in one of the round ups of dissenters and patriots. She wanted to be what she always had been: a simple woman complex only in thought living alongside others freely and with the convictions of a faithful soul. That seemed so simple a goal. Never would she understand how so many in the world saw that as a dreadful way of living.

“There are no more good men to rescue us,” she thought. So as she found the strength to fight, she also prayed more. She would continue to fight and pray until the nights filled with the kind of silence where crickets could sing the night away while the wind swept softly through the trees under a heavenly moonlight that only peace, and possibly death, could bring.
This is Fiction ©2015

Postscript: WWIII

It was 2018 and Americans were finally beginning to pick up the pieces of their country. Remnants of an attempted coup stretching over 10 years had made them weary. Many wondered if reclaiming the once great nation was even possible. The world was beset by hunger and the newly ended World War III had decimated the populations of every country. Thousands of feral children roamed parentless guided only by instinct and the undeniable pangs of hunger.

Many roamed the streets of neighborhoods and towns once decorated and governed by civility. Gone were the finely managed lawns and up kept houses. Home was nearly anywhere you could lay your head for rest. Rest did not come easy. The cities were even worse. It took desperate fortitude to live amongst the ruins of progressivism and anarchy. Survival was the only thing those who had not given up were concerned about. It was what fed their souls. The time for payback was behind them but it was not forgotten. If there was to be a rebuilding surely there would be time for that.

What once the magnificence America represented only existed in the hearts and minds of the patriots who dared to speak the truth when it was murderous to do so. Exactly what had befallen this great nation? And, how did the malfeasance of those in charge bring about the last of the World Wars? It was easily done though they manufactured complexity in a way that the newer generations born after the second world war saw only promises of a better future. It happened because a lot of the older generations got complacent and weary.

It began, simply, by destroying HONESTY characterized by terms like misleading, misdirected, misspoke, ambiguous, disingenuous and confusing therefore differing that each and every lie told was something less than a lie. But, they were all lies and nothing but lies. In their corner was the media. The media used words like changing narrative to justify the lies explaining that it was the public who was misunderstanding. Journalists, reporters and anchors; those former arbiters of truth and justice became propagandists and on the nightly news viewers were treated to abysmal salivating figures in servitude to a dictator. Savants they were, and they were proud of it.

Countries long known to appreciate America and long known to be our allies saw what was happening and left us. Many aligned with a new banking system formed by another country because they saw what we did not. (They would leave over the trustworthiness of our leaders too.) What we were doing was not working no matter how strong the dollar appeared.

The economy: Over a ten-year span they manipulated the stock market and controlled currency through Quantitative Easement:

“An unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.”

In other words, making something appear from nothing.

Corruption, lobbying and “corporate cronyism ( a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism)” This finished the economy off. The rich got richer at a pace never seen before and the poor got poorer. Poverty became the number one “success” of progressivism.

Finally they assaulted religion and morality. How? They attacked God. A seemingly endless platform of agendas suddenly jumped into a sharp focus where they never had before. Where once God was the center place of most people’s lives and was credited for a moral and sane society merely the mention of the word became intolerable. He was no longer welcome in government. He was no longer welcome in schools. He was no longer welcome in marriage. In many churches, he became welcome only as a word not as a god. It became illegal to abide by God’s words and stay true in faith to his teachings. Businesses were attacked for it. Thousands in the middle east were beheaded and crucified for it. While there were many who still loved God they were afraid to mention him in political or group circles fearful they would be ostracized. Soon the once proud and loud Christian voices became quiet and passive.

Throughout this assault on America the destruction of her most coveted set of laws, the Constitution was attacked and diminished. And not enough cared. It became harder and harder to buy or possess a gun to protect the most cherished unit of Americanism; the family. The Second Amendment was pounced on at every turn and many times through deceptive means which only those patriots paying attention saw. The First Amendment was slipping away due to that very fact. People had started paying attention and were speaking out. Progressivism, that ugly monster, knew that their schemes would eventually implode if the First Amendment wasn’t suppressed. But, for freedom-loving people little changed for the better.

There was an ire building. Mother’s were tired of their children being assaulted at every turn by the pernicious rhetoric and propaganda. Men were tired of being told to be everything other than a man bound by courage, virtue and hard work. Families were becoming tired of having nothing to show for their efforts in achieving the American dream. A storm was coming. And it was long overdue.

After years of uncertainty and fear it began very simply. One morning there were no banks open. People tried to cash a check and use their debit and credit cards for the easiest of things. But, nothing worked. Across ever TV station an emergency broadcast system alert flashed informing of a yet as unknown national emergency. People were instructed to stay home. Our leaders were working on it. News would be forthcoming. But, as so many times in the past many knew the news would be anything but truthful and straightforward. Even the news anchors looked terrified as they reported the statements they were handed from the government. Like deer caught in the headlights of a fast rushing car it was those faces that said everything. At first, people were frightened. Then they got angry. The longer the deafening silence of our officials continued the angrier people got. It only took a few days without money for people to begin to wake up. After all, money was the one thing everyone counted on and, sadly, many built the most important aspects of their lives on.

Our enemies saw an opportunity and attacked. First they attacked the Internet cutting us off from the rest of the world… even our troops based overseas. They would be of no help to us. Then they attacked with weapons. It didn’t take many, just a few well-placed technologically advanced weaponry aimed at the capitols of government and industry. Soon we were as helpless as the pioneers would’ve been without their plows and skills. Like children we were placed to care for ourselves without the knowledge and expertise of our forefathers. For so many, it spelled death and doom. Not only did most not have the skills or tools they didn’t have the means to learn or buy any. Survival of the fittest became a truth and not altruism. People were going to die.

Violence began in earnest. Some happened because it was what people wanted and had done little of because they feared prison. Anger incited others. Much occurred be people began to need things. People fought and stole from friends, neighbors and businesses. Friends became enemies, and trust so elusive in our leadership over the prior ten years, eroded human to human. No one cared anymore who was a republican or democrat. No one cared anymore who slept with whom. No one cared about platforms, agendas or policies except those that fed their families and kept them safe. Sometimes Christians fought alongside atheists and sometimes they fought them. It was the same for everyone regardless of race, sexuality or ethics. What little fight our leaders did in response to those who attacked America, and to Americans themselves, was selfishly and personally indulgent. It only got worse.

When it was over and people got tired of being against each other and those left had learned to survive; it was only then they asked themselves: “Why did we allow this to happen?” It was then that people asked themselves where the causes of progressivism had intended the world to go. It was then they asked themselves if it was worth it.

That they breathed was their only answer. And, it was… that they breathed still… their only reward. ©2015

This is a story

Jesus, My Jesus

I’m angry. And, I’m tired. I am seriously tired of seeing Christianity slammed as bad when it is the single biggest ideology that has kept this world from destroying itself. That’s a fact. When I was in college sociology teachers taught it emphatically.They didn’t necessarily credit the Bible, but I do.They did teach that the church and the social “mores” were what kept society from collapsing. Society is collapsing.

I am a Christian, yet I find myself burdened with hate.  I hate and it invades my prayers. I hate the foolish path the world is on. I hate racists. I hate weakness and I hate fools. I hate bullies who bully for the sake of forcing others to think, act and proselytize like them.

I recognize and fervently believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of us. He died for our sins. He died so we would be forgiven. In as much as I believe in Christianity, I believe this. And, it is unchangeable. I don’t believe, however, that Jesus died for us to be ignorant. I don’t believe he died for us to be awash in passivity. I believe when a sword was put at his throat he had his own. I don’t believe he didn’t strike back. I don’t! He was crucified when he was overwhelmed.

When I read or hear that massive deaths happen because of a person’s belief in Jesus and Christianity there is no scintilla of breath in my body that believes Jesus would stand for that as a man. I just don’t. And, you can’t convince me otherwise. My beliefs will ensure me a place in hell (if I don’t keep trying).  As Dante put it: ” The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”

The more I watch the horrors of today’s world the more I am conflicted concerning the people I know. I am frustrated by the lack of movement and expression of those I love who do and say little…if anything. If not now, when? If not you, then who?

I knew when I started blogging I would get vilified once in a while based on my mistakes from my past. I accepted that and, trust me, there’s nastiness out there. But, I have built my character on knowing, believing and doing my very best to do what is right. I don’t give a crap if it doesn’t fit the alternative viewpoint. It is what it is. Someone, a lot of someones must stand up. We must!

I will probably die before the sword of hate is directly at my door. That makes me sad. But, it is coming if we do not stand now. My grandchildren and my children will be left here to suffer the pain. So will yours. Period.

Stand up! Please! Write! Talk! Complain! Talk to your representatives and your community leaders. What does it take? Prayer is great but it’s not your only defense. Christian Lives MATTER!

You can’t go back and say “I’m sorry, I didn’t see.”

See now, before they conquer. And, conquer, they can, if we let them.

Where My Free Will Sits

The Indiana Religious Freedom bill is necessary to ensure that the government cannot overreach. For instance, it would stop the egregious fines and restriction on Christian bakers who refuse to violate their faith. It isn’t about being gay, who is gay, or the wherefores and why’s of gayness.

For years, Christians have been tolerant of satanic displays, atheist bullying and, dare I go there; religious persecution. The point is that we are all free to believe what we believe. It is the Gay lobby and the Atheist lobby etc that are the real promoters of discrimination on Christians.The feminists aren’t far behind (Insert hand clap hear because I can). And, they know it. Further, the Huffington Post has released an article promoting safe places for “non-white” citizens. I hate to break it to you but safe places is just a promoting theory for Jim Crow Laws which translated means let’s segregate.

Muslims want to live in America but many (not all) denounce American rules, laws, faiths and everything else.The Muslim issue is that their faith permits no tolerance of any other faith…period.

The atheist doctrine is, simply put, my faith for me but no faith for thee. That is just plain arrogant bullying to censor what another might believe and feel.

I don’t hate gay people. In fact, I love a couple (a couple is all I actually know). My bad I guess. I love heterosexual people too. But who I love, what I think and what faith I have comes from a place where my free will sits. And, that isn’t legislative and you cannot regulate it.

FInally, why is it bad to enact a religious freedom bill in 2015 that is essentially the same that Bill Clinton enacted as president? Could it be because Gov. Pence, a reublican governor, did it? Could it be that Clinton was a democrat? Or, more to the point is it because his last name is CLINTON?

“Religious freedom restoration act. Provides that a state or local government action may not substantially burden a person’s right to the exercise of religion unless it is demonstrated that applying the burden to the person’s exercise of religion is: (1) essential to further a compelling governmental interest; and (2) the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest. Provides that a person whose exercise of religion has been substantially burdened, or is likely to be substantially burdened, by a state or local government action may assert the burden as a claim or defense in a judicial proceeding, regardless of whether the state or a political subdivision of the state is a party to the judicial proceeding. Allows a person who asserts a burden as a claim or defense to obtain appropriate relief, including: (1) injunctive relief; (2) declaratory relief; (3) compensatory damages; and (4) recovery of court costs and reasonable attorney fees.”

Oh the bills!

Oh the bills…the bills…the bills. Oh the lamentations, lawsuits and the speeches on/from the house floor, circulating through social media and falling flat on their well-intentioned faces.

Thus far introduced or intended:

1. A bill to repeal the Patriot Act.

2. Four bills aimed at protecting the 2nd amendment.

3. The new FOIA Act.

4. Suing to block Amnesty.

5. The Iran Bill.

But wait, there’s more…

Take the advice from McConnell that states should just ignore the new EPA restrictions set forth by executive order. But, Washington had an app for that. (First three words of the definition of app “a self-contained program”) [colloquial]  Deny FEMA funds for states. It’s been too long for me to be aghast and I am surely not naive. Try as they might congress is still do nothing.Congress has no might.

As long as souless people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and John Boehner are in power the American citizenry is going to lose. They are going to lose huge.

None of the aforementioned bills etc will be voted in. NONE of them. Unless congress can summon what’s left of their duty to their country, we’re screwed.

It’s long past time to break the impasse in Washington. And, doing that requires very brave men and women who are not afraid to wake up and tell the seeds of America’s destruction they need to go. Go, they must.

It is congress’ duty IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 … it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such … all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

They need not ask “Pretty please?”

A Weakened Voice is a Powerless voice

I am not a big fan of chickenshit. The word itself, if the political correct weinies ever get a hold of it, describes an animal who will relentlessly run after having its head lopped off in no discernable direction and poo, crap or smelly piles of yuckiness. In modern terms it denotes cowardice, and boy is the country full of cowards. Woe unto us all when the progressives actually get around to calling all the patriots chickenshit (if they haven’t already). Yeah, my tongue is pretty much in my cheek. Were it not I’d post a photo of me sticking straight out of my mouth to say what I really feel.

I’m tired. I’m old. Is it too much to ask for straightforward, non-sensical thinking in D.C.? I’d vote for Ted Cruz even if he were a zombie running amok covered in mold because he tells it like it is. He possesses integrity which few “leaders” in D.C. do. And, legally he can run for president. Rand Paul would be my second choice because his heart is in the right place even if, on occasion, he seems to vacillate on an issue once in a while. But, don’t they all. I’d choose the direction he’s going in long before I’d choose most others. Mike Lee is good too. I’m still trying to figure out why he has expressed the least desire to run. He’d be great. So would Trey Gowdy but I think he’s not really that invested, but is truly sincere in his dedication to the state that elected him.

I used to think of myself as a democrat. Now, I cringe when I remember that and have to suppress the desire to wash my mouth out with soap…..seriously. Words matter. They don’t just matter when the NY Times (a former icon in journalism) or the Washington Post (another failed journalistic icon) or The Guardian (the former icon who supported Snowden then hammered their computers because an oppressive state ordered them too.) says it. It matters when the citizens stand up. It matters when we speak. And speak, we must.

A deal with Iran is bad. It is awful. Disparaging and attacking Netanyahu is awful. Promoting divisive agendas to prove some unidentifiable slight is just as bad. Defend America. You grew up here. You owe it. The ironic and absolute is that though there’s much deception in the grievousness being perpetrated. It is perpetrated under the very freedoms America has offered. There’s alot of hypocrisy and shame to go around. So, all you arbiters of hateful diversity….OWN IT!

When Character Doesn’t Do It

Mr. Obama expressed his desire to make voting mandatory. There is only one reason for this: There are no accomplishments and no character that allows him to achieve votes based on merit alone. His words ring hollow and his thin-skinned personality rules recklessly. Somewhere in his unspoken thoughts relishes a third term. His countenance is a daily reminder. He had such a great opportunity when he was elected. Blow it he has, and I fear the next 22 months so desperately that it is palpable in the way my heart reacts each and every time I go online.  Usually, it is somewhat easy to mentally find an alternative to  what is happening to and in America. For instance, there has always been a speck where I said “I can always move” or “someone will finally do something”. I don’t feel that way anymore. There’s no place to go and no one will do anything. Our choices are being ruled by tyrants or going along submissively for the safety of whatever little bit of freedom we have left. Both options leave a distinct taste of awful.

I fear both. If ever there was a time for prayer, it is now. And, it is urgent.