That Dandelion

Peaceful people by the thousands were lined up, and they shot them dead. It wasn’t the government who murdered them but the violent criminals they could not take guns from.

She didn’t really believe that criminals would lay down their guns when the guns were taken from the peaceful people, but she thought the peaceful gun owners and the obtuse populace would be stupid enough to believe it when she promoted it. She was as complicit in genocide as she had been in the 90’s when a certain African country experienced it.

“She didn’t have to worry,” she thought. Her and her spouse had so many billions they could build a thousand fortresses to protect them and no one could force her to watch what her rhetoric had caused. But, her conscience knew. She still had a bit of that. Once in a while, there were no blinders when her conscience placed the unending rivers of blood in her mind. And, images of frightened children still got through. Yet, she kept up the propaganda. As much as the tiny bit of soul inside wanted to change and maybe reverse course, there was just too much money to lose. And, she had learned that money was what would keep her safe…for a time. Besides, they weren’t her children. Someday, she counted on knowing that she could step her feet outside her fortress safely to resume a life where 90% of those she held in no esteem no longer existed. But, then what? Then that day came. She opened her door.

Shocked, she realized, she had not counted on the truth of what came next. Those that were left didn’t want to know her and they didn’t trust her. Somewhere in the back of the minds of those horribly angry survivors a plan was finalized for her destruction, and it was being realized. The few she could see from the doorway frightened her. Justice, the one thing she thought was hers, was going to finally find her. She was afraid. She was very afraid. And, she knew she should be.

It was then her eyes fixed on a dandelion. Although she had always hired a very good lawn maintenance company somehow this weed had gotten through. Immediately, a picture of a small girl flooded her mind as she presented it to a loved one. “What had she done?” she wondered. “How did this one little weed, un worrisome to most, get through?” “Where were her minions responsible for keeping it out?” She shivered. A dawning occurred. It was at this moment she began to realize that maybe, just maybe, her minions were some of the peaceful people, and more than a few, were probably her people. She was Jewish. While perfectly adept at not cheering, working or protecting them, she could not deny she was one. History doesn’t lie. “Hadn’t they been through enough?” she thought. Was it possible she had not only betrayed them but all of mankind? Much too late, there was no place now for heroic thoughts. “It was too late,” she knew. She had done what she had done, and while she wanted to believe her billions would protect her, she had to face up to what she had done. They would come for her regardless of all her protections. Then her thoughts came back to the yellow-topped flower that wasn’t supposed to be there… asking:

“If one little dandelion sent by the spirit of an innocent could get through, what could man do to me?”

Fiction from characters I think had an enormous chance to do right but chose not to. ©2015

A Wicked Paradigm

Murder never bothered her. There in the state where everyone is a celebrity, murder is just a concept that is, not only promoted, but emboldened. When she ran for office she had no illusions of achieving the American Dream or making a difference for regular Americans. She was above them. Maybe she could cajole them into thinking she cared by giving them things, or, at the very least, prevaricate a platform that it was she who knew best and who was fighting for them. Truthfully, she was doing the exact opposite. And, she was proud of it. After all, once she was in office for awhile she learned a few things. And none of what she learned was good, transparent or honest.

There were things she gave them over the years that they appreciated. Most of which was paid for by the people she did absolutely nothing for. Unless she was married to you, bore you, or you were so glib you were able to convince her that helping you would bolster her public esteem, she did nothing. But, oh how able she was to pat her own back. She was her biggest hero.

Long before people knew they had been taken, she had moved on. Adept at falsehood, she carried this pattern into a world view halfway through the decade of the first millennium. You had to hand it her. She was especially skilled at making you seem like you wanted something so that by the time you figured out her schemes she had already buffeted her bank accounts into the millions. By the time that happened, the populace had become numb or so lethargic in the power they thought they didn’t have, that it was totally expected for them to feel like they deserved what they got. They kept voting for her didn’t they? All of this translated into a power that she wielded with a deceptive smile so that even those supposed to be her opponents rushed to kiss her cheek with the sincerest flattery.

But, she went too far some thought. That happened after she began to practice public deception, and she did it with an air that suggested she was queen. Only she wasn’t. Still, up on that dais, she lied and she lied and she lied. Eventually, she was grandly complicit in passing bills and laws without knowing their content or their context. It was a wake up call. But, was it too late? Not only had she done that, but she led an entire majority of lawmakers to her side and inside her conspiracies exposing a soulless body of conscienceless beings. The only positive thing to come of these actions was that many of them lost their elected seats during the next national election.

Sadly, that election was a deception. While the people were waking up, the same men who were voted in to replace the soulless who promised there would be an end to these and other improper actions eagerly lined up to plant a kiss on her, now old and wrinkled, cheek. It even seemed they did it more often.  And, her millions piled higher. Somebody always got paid when she got something she wanted. Always. Each and every decision she made came with a price. Some came with many. Murder, in it’s most explicit definition, refers to the end of the life of a human being. More loosely, it is the accumulative point of ending something. It could be an idea. It could be a lifestyle, a commitment, faith…even freedom. She committed all acts by destroying trust and destroying lives. The farther you researched her decisions and the more you discovered lives lost, an income destroyed, healthcare annihilated, rules broken, words twisted and traditions criminalized. She couldn’t even keep to the tenets of her faith. Money was just too damn important to her. When a high ranking member of her church denounced her, she looked towards the effusive panderers she had become so dependent on to assuage her delusional thinking. One could almost imagine the drool sliding from their lips as she recognized them in their praise for her.

n. noun

1. The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.
2. An instance of such killing.
3. Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous. The rush hour traffic is murder.

v. verb

1. To kill (another human) in an act of murder.
2. To kill brutally or inhumanly. Thousands of civilians were murdered in the bombardment.
3. To put an end to; destroy.

This is fiction based on real life characters ©2015

An Unwelcome Extinction

Long before the swallows disappeared a new bird came. Its head sat slightly askew and its eyes bulged a bit. More often than not it hobbled along the ground instead of taking flight. The noises it made were painful and rapid and there never seemed to be enough air in one single intake of breath. I touched one once and as I did its feathers slid off its body as if they had just been laid against its skin never tethered. Most of the time I saw these birds hobbling along the beach, I think, in search of fish to dine on. But, the fish had long since disappeared replaced by scary mutant sea life if you could call them life at all. Seems as if the radiation from the nuclear plant leak so far east of our shores had finally decimated what was once so pure. Would people be next? You had to consider the possibility. When the truth was hidden for so long as to the damaging amounts of radiated water and chemicals that were released into the sea it would only be common sense to think that somewhere inside the body bad things were already occurring even if we couldn’t actually see it. That’s the thing about reality. Just because you can’t see a truth doesn’t make the truth any less true. Nor, does it make ignorance of truth any less damaging. It’s better, I think, to know. Because, we’ve known for decades that radiation maims and kills.

I walk here often. Years back, I walked to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature knowing that this was the place I could relax and gather my thoughts. Now, it’s marked with death, and the sights and sounds are a painful reminder of a time when men didn’t care. I receive comfort from time to time knowing that most of those men are gone, and I thank God that I am still here to ponder this though I know my time left is very short. Often, I wonder if a near time is coming when no one will be left to remember.

In a way, I’m fortunate to remember a time when men cared, yet the memory of the more recent time when they didn’t scars my memories. Then they cared about money. I think they would’ve eaten it if they could. It wasn’t just the gluttony but the pure devilish devotion to having more and more and more and more that astounds. In the end though, they couldn’t take it with them. And, their bodies afflicted with the diseases of their choices lie in coffins and shrouds there in that bitter ground decaying just as all the others, rich and poor, who had come before them. I often wonder if given a second chance would they live their lives differently.

Nuclear energy was supposed to be more cost-effective, cleaner, better for the environment and safe. For a time it was… until the accidents started happening. Meltdowns occurred when nuclear reactors overheated or became unstable. Once that happened it was hard to contain the waste and the hazardous materials left over. Most were bunkered in concrete to sit out time until they were no longer a threat. No one truly knew how long that would be regardless of what they would attempt to calculate. Nature felled others. The nuclear plant overseas was decimated by a Tsunami spilling massive amounts of deadly poisons into the waters mankind depended on for life. While the alarmist was speaking out, the men of power and control were cheerfully projecting only minimal damage. We all knew they were lying. We knew they were lying when the radiation levels rose. We knew they were lying when the sea life started dying and mutating. Little by little the news reports released a little more and a little more information on the impossibility of containment and effects but it was too late. It took years for the beginning of the truth to come out. But by then, we had eaten the fish. We had drunk the water. We had bathed in the water. We watered our lawns and planted our fields with the water. We went on.


By the time people realized the damage had trickled down through our DNA it was too late to correct the damaging changes. By the time the earth and the oceans had changed, there was no turning back. What will future generations think. More to the point, will there be future generations?

If there is will there be a fertile earth to support it? Or will there just be little shrieking, painful, hobbling birds, heads askew?

This is a story – fiction based on fact ©2015

Postscript: WWIII

It was 2018 and Americans were finally beginning to pick up the pieces of their country. Remnants of an attempted coup stretching over 10 years had made them weary. Many wondered if reclaiming the once great nation was even possible. The world was beset by hunger and the newly ended World War III had decimated the populations of every country. Thousands of feral children roamed parentless guided only by instinct and the undeniable pangs of hunger.

Many roamed the streets of neighborhoods and towns once decorated and governed by civility. Gone were the finely managed lawns and up kept houses. Home was nearly anywhere you could lay your head for rest. Rest did not come easy. The cities were even worse. It took desperate fortitude to live amongst the ruins of progressivism and anarchy. Survival was the only thing those who had not given up were concerned about. It was what fed their souls. The time for payback was behind them but it was not forgotten. If there was to be a rebuilding surely there would be time for that.

What once the magnificence America represented only existed in the hearts and minds of the patriots who dared to speak the truth when it was murderous to do so. Exactly what had befallen this great nation? And, how did the malfeasance of those in charge bring about the last of the World Wars? It was easily done though they manufactured complexity in a way that the newer generations born after the second world war saw only promises of a better future. It happened because a lot of the older generations got complacent and weary.

It began, simply, by destroying HONESTY characterized by terms like misleading, misdirected, misspoke, ambiguous, disingenuous and confusing therefore differing that each and every lie told was something less than a lie. But, they were all lies and nothing but lies. In their corner was the media. The media used words like changing narrative to justify the lies explaining that it was the public who was misunderstanding. Journalists, reporters and anchors; those former arbiters of truth and justice became propagandists and on the nightly news viewers were treated to abysmal salivating figures in servitude to a dictator. Savants they were, and they were proud of it.

Countries long known to appreciate America and long known to be our allies saw what was happening and left us. Many aligned with a new banking system formed by another country because they saw what we did not. (They would leave over the trustworthiness of our leaders too.) What we were doing was not working no matter how strong the dollar appeared.

The economy: Over a ten-year span they manipulated the stock market and controlled currency through Quantitative Easement:

“An unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.”

In other words, making something appear from nothing.

Corruption, lobbying and “corporate cronyism ( a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism)” This finished the economy off. The rich got richer at a pace never seen before and the poor got poorer. Poverty became the number one “success” of progressivism.

Finally they assaulted religion and morality. How? They attacked God. A seemingly endless platform of agendas suddenly jumped into a sharp focus where they never had before. Where once God was the center place of most people’s lives and was credited for a moral and sane society merely the mention of the word became intolerable. He was no longer welcome in government. He was no longer welcome in schools. He was no longer welcome in marriage. In many churches, he became welcome only as a word not as a god. It became illegal to abide by God’s words and stay true in faith to his teachings. Businesses were attacked for it. Thousands in the middle east were beheaded and crucified for it. While there were many who still loved God they were afraid to mention him in political or group circles fearful they would be ostracized. Soon the once proud and loud Christian voices became quiet and passive.

Throughout this assault on America the destruction of her most coveted set of laws, the Constitution was attacked and diminished. And not enough cared. It became harder and harder to buy or possess a gun to protect the most cherished unit of Americanism; the family. The Second Amendment was pounced on at every turn and many times through deceptive means which only those patriots paying attention saw. The First Amendment was slipping away due to that very fact. People had started paying attention and were speaking out. Progressivism, that ugly monster, knew that their schemes would eventually implode if the First Amendment wasn’t suppressed. But, for freedom-loving people little changed for the better.

There was an ire building. Mother’s were tired of their children being assaulted at every turn by the pernicious rhetoric and propaganda. Men were tired of being told to be everything other than a man bound by courage, virtue and hard work. Families were becoming tired of having nothing to show for their efforts in achieving the American dream. A storm was coming. And it was long overdue.

After years of uncertainty and fear it began very simply. One morning there were no banks open. People tried to cash a check and use their debit and credit cards for the easiest of things. But, nothing worked. Across ever TV station an emergency broadcast system alert flashed informing of a yet as unknown national emergency. People were instructed to stay home. Our leaders were working on it. News would be forthcoming. But, as so many times in the past many knew the news would be anything but truthful and straightforward. Even the news anchors looked terrified as they reported the statements they were handed from the government. Like deer caught in the headlights of a fast rushing car it was those faces that said everything. At first, people were frightened. Then they got angry. The longer the deafening silence of our officials continued the angrier people got. It only took a few days without money for people to begin to wake up. After all, money was the one thing everyone counted on and, sadly, many built the most important aspects of their lives on.

Our enemies saw an opportunity and attacked. First they attacked the Internet cutting us off from the rest of the world… even our troops based overseas. They would be of no help to us. Then they attacked with weapons. It didn’t take many, just a few well-placed technologically advanced weaponry aimed at the capitols of government and industry. Soon we were as helpless as the pioneers would’ve been without their plows and skills. Like children we were placed to care for ourselves without the knowledge and expertise of our forefathers. For so many, it spelled death and doom. Not only did most not have the skills or tools they didn’t have the means to learn or buy any. Survival of the fittest became a truth and not altruism. People were going to die.

Violence began in earnest. Some happened because it was what people wanted and had done little of because they feared prison. Anger incited others. Much occurred be people began to need things. People fought and stole from friends, neighbors and businesses. Friends became enemies, and trust so elusive in our leadership over the prior ten years, eroded human to human. No one cared anymore who was a republican or democrat. No one cared anymore who slept with whom. No one cared about platforms, agendas or policies except those that fed their families and kept them safe. Sometimes Christians fought alongside atheists and sometimes they fought them. It was the same for everyone regardless of race, sexuality or ethics. What little fight our leaders did in response to those who attacked America, and to Americans themselves, was selfishly and personally indulgent. It only got worse.

When it was over and people got tired of being against each other and those left had learned to survive; it was only then they asked themselves: “Why did we allow this to happen?” It was then that people asked themselves where the causes of progressivism had intended the world to go. It was then they asked themselves if it was worth it.

That they breathed was their only answer. And, it was… that they breathed still… their only reward. ©2015

This is a story

Republicans Demand Operation Chokepoint Disclosure

This is from the Daily Signal.

(Republican letter included)

Oh the bills!

Oh the bills…the bills…the bills. Oh the lamentations, lawsuits and the speeches on/from the house floor, circulating through social media and falling flat on their well-intentioned faces.

Thus far introduced or intended:

1. A bill to repeal the Patriot Act.

2. Four bills aimed at protecting the 2nd amendment.

3. The new FOIA Act.

4. Suing to block Amnesty.

5. The Iran Bill.

But wait, there’s more…

Take the advice from McConnell that states should just ignore the new EPA restrictions set forth by executive order. But, Washington had an app for that. (First three words of the definition of app “a self-contained program”) [colloquial]  Deny FEMA funds for states. It’s been too long for me to be aghast and I am surely not naive. Try as they might congress is still do nothing.Congress has no might.

As long as souless people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and John Boehner are in power the American citizenry is going to lose. They are going to lose huge.

None of the aforementioned bills etc will be voted in. NONE of them. Unless congress can summon what’s left of their duty to their country, we’re screwed.

It’s long past time to break the impasse in Washington. And, doing that requires very brave men and women who are not afraid to wake up and tell the seeds of America’s destruction they need to go. Go, they must.

It is congress’ duty IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 … it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such … all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

They need not ask “Pretty please?”

A Weakened Voice is a Powerless voice

I am not a big fan of chickenshit. The word itself, if the political correct weinies ever get a hold of it, describes an animal who will relentlessly run after having its head lopped off in no discernable direction and poo, crap or smelly piles of yuckiness. In modern terms it denotes cowardice, and boy is the country full of cowards. Woe unto us all when the progressives actually get around to calling all the patriots chickenshit (if they haven’t already). Yeah, my tongue is pretty much in my cheek. Were it not I’d post a photo of me sticking straight out of my mouth to say what I really feel.

I’m tired. I’m old. Is it too much to ask for straightforward, non-sensical thinking in D.C.? I’d vote for Ted Cruz even if he were a zombie running amok covered in mold because he tells it like it is. He possesses integrity which few “leaders” in D.C. do. And, legally he can run for president. Rand Paul would be my second choice because his heart is in the right place even if, on occasion, he seems to vacillate on an issue once in a while. But, don’t they all. I’d choose the direction he’s going in long before I’d choose most others. Mike Lee is good too. I’m still trying to figure out why he has expressed the least desire to run. He’d be great. So would Trey Gowdy but I think he’s not really that invested, but is truly sincere in his dedication to the state that elected him.

I used to think of myself as a democrat. Now, I cringe when I remember that and have to suppress the desire to wash my mouth out with soap…..seriously. Words matter. They don’t just matter when the NY Times (a former icon in journalism) or the Washington Post (another failed journalistic icon) or The Guardian (the former icon who supported Snowden then hammered their computers because an oppressive state ordered them too.) says it. It matters when the citizens stand up. It matters when we speak. And speak, we must.

A deal with Iran is bad. It is awful. Disparaging and attacking Netanyahu is awful. Promoting divisive agendas to prove some unidentifiable slight is just as bad. Defend America. You grew up here. You owe it. The ironic and absolute is that though there’s much deception in the grievousness being perpetrated. It is perpetrated under the very freedoms America has offered. There’s alot of hypocrisy and shame to go around. So, all you arbiters of hateful diversity….OWN IT!

When Character Doesn’t Do It

Mr. Obama expressed his desire to make voting mandatory. There is only one reason for this: There are no accomplishments and no character that allows him to achieve votes based on merit alone. His words ring hollow and his thin-skinned personality rules recklessly. Somewhere in his unspoken thoughts relishes a third term. His countenance is a daily reminder. He had such a great opportunity when he was elected. Blow it he has, and I fear the next 22 months so desperately that it is palpable in the way my heart reacts each and every time I go online.  Usually, it is somewhat easy to mentally find an alternative to  what is happening to and in America. For instance, there has always been a speck where I said “I can always move” or “someone will finally do something”. I don’t feel that way anymore. There’s no place to go and no one will do anything. Our choices are being ruled by tyrants or going along submissively for the safety of whatever little bit of freedom we have left. Both options leave a distinct taste of awful.

I fear both. If ever there was a time for prayer, it is now. And, it is urgent.

The Guilty Old Party

Where once we were led by the morals of men, now we are led by their deceit. I am disheartened by the American leadership, yet I try to find the mind to write or post a bit here and there hoping that maybe one leader East of me will find the conscience to stand up and fight. Everyday on my wall the GOP chair, Reince Priebus, asks what it is that people want. He implores us to like, comment, sign petitions and share. The chair and the GOP know exactly what is necessary to stop the unconstitutional leadership. Exactly. They are making the choice not to act. As much as it is certain that Hillary Clinton is lying, it must be equally as certain the GOP is failing.

We have been telling the GOP for such a very long time…still they ask. It’s a game in Washington. For me the worst game is the one that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are playing. I’ve read where supposedly Boehner has saved the GOP from themselves. But, he runs ads against some of the members of that party. He misleads, he tricks and he doesn’t lead with honesty. It’s bad enough that the commander-in-chief leads that way. Oh there are lots of impassioned speeches by politicians and their hearts may be in the right place but no speech, no petition, no letter and no sitting on their “hallowed” halls is going to change anything for the better. Speeches can be a rallying cry in today’s technological age ….on Facebook, Twitter or in a blog… from the safety of our own homes. Petitions? Petitions do NOT work with this administration because they first have to challenge themselves by saying maybe they made a mistake. They won’t and they don’t because they believe they are infallible. Narcissists always do.

We gave the GOP all the answers they needed in the midterms. One has to consider that they just don’t care. Why should they? They have money. There’s always somewhere they can move to in retirement or some lobbying job they can take. While I realize everyone spouts the tired old adage “Money isn’t everything” I don’t have any, so I know that all my daily life problems would go away if I had some. Seriously. I worked most of my life. I raised my children. I did the very best I could yet Washington cannot even give us that. It’s sickening.

This is America and somewhere deep in the recesses of many hearts is the strength to get up, go to where the changes need to be made. Take your flag with you. The American flag is no more a symbol of racism than a black-and-white cookie is. It is a symbol of freedom won and raised after huge battles against tyranny many, many years ago. So why are we allowing a different kind of tyranny to take back over?

I am so sick of it. I am so saddened by it.

You’re a Grand Old Flag

by George M. Cohan

You’re a grand old flag,
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

You’re a grand old flag,
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.